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Tim Sales - Brilliant Communicator

Tim Sales - Brilliant Communicator | 580 MB

Learn the 10 qualities you must have that cause your prospect to talk to you, to listen to you and to follow your suggestions.

From the very moment you meet a prospect, proper communication will make or break whatever relationship you hope to create.

Say the wrong thing or say the right thing in the wrong way and you can kiss that relationship goodbye or prevent it from ever growing into a financially rewarding experience. You’ll continue to hobble along earning just a fraction of what you’re capable of.

In Brilliant Communicator, you’ll discover:

* The difference between success and failure may come down to getting this one thought right in your head.
* The one simple thing you can do that will ensure that you’ll never say the wrong thing.
* Win over any prospect with this simple gesture. Any child will tell you it works every time.
* How to keep your prospect from taking control of your meeting depends on how much of this you use.
* Why not paying attention to these simple details can send your prospect running the other way.
* The one thing, that if not done properly, will almost always cause your prospect to distrust you.
* The best sales techniques in the world are powerless if you don't know enough about this basic sales "tool" many network marketers overlook.
* There's no difference between selling to a corporate executive and selling to a truck driver if you know how to avoid this common mistake.


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